1120 S 101st St
Omaha, NE 68124
Erin Stoll and Rachel Mulligan, Special Olympics Nebraska
Get to Know: Special Olympics Nebraska
Please join us next Tuesday, June 19th and get to know Special Olympics Nebraska. At this luncheon you will hear from Erin Stoll and learn the three areas they focus their work and how to get involved. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear the amazing and inspirational story of Rachel Mulligan, a Special Olympics Global Messenger and Health Ambassador.
About Our Speakers: Erin Stoll and Rachel Mulligan
Erin Stoll has been the Director of Individual & Major Gifts at Special Olympics Nebraska for 7 years. Erin is from Omaha and attended Nebraska Wesleyan University. She and her husband Jeremy have 2 daughters ages 7 and 5. Erin is also a personal stylist and has her own Personal Styling Business called Style Thief Fashion. In her spare time she volunteers with her kids school, participates in local theater productions and loves to cook and travel.
Rachel Mulligan is an athlete from Papillion, Nebraska. She is a World and National Gamesathlete as well as a Special Olympics Global Messenger and Health Ambassador. Rachel recently spoke at the 2018 ICAN Women’s Conference to an audience of over 2500 people and received a standing ovation!
Click to Register
*Please try to arrive by 11:15 to get checked in, grab your lunch and do some networking with everyone before we begin.*
**Parking is available in the lot east of the bank building or on 101st Street. Please refrain from parking in the guest/bank customer parking spaces just outside the building.**
*** If you need to cancel your reservation you must do so by the Sunday prior to the event in order to get a full refund. If you registered but did not pay and you do not cancel by the Sunday prior to the event, you will be billed the registration fee. Registrations made after the Sunday prior to the event will be charged $20 for the luncheon entry fee.
Member Spotlight
Our 2018 Non-Profit Partner: Little Free Pantry
Please consider bringing an in-kind donation to the next event!
Donation items wishlist:
Grains — cereal, oatmeal, pasta, crackers, bread or muffin mixes, popcorn, etc.
Proteins — canned beans, canned chicken, canned tuna or salmon, peanut butter, etc.
Vegetables* — canned vegetables and tomatoes, vegetable juice, pasta sauce, etc.
Fruits* — canned fruit, applesauce, canned and boxed fruit juice, etc.
Dairy — infant formula, evaporated milk, powdered milk, instant breakfast drinks, etc.
Other* — honey, jelly/jam, mayonnaise, salad dressings, sugar, oils, syrup, etc.
*No glass jars, please.
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