Taking Charge of Your Financial Future! Small Business Financial Planning
- When & How to get started
- What you’ve always wanted to ask, but never did
- Who & When? – Financial Advisor, CPA, Attorney – Who should you be talking to and when
- Succession Planning 101 – What you need to know
- Brief Market Update
About the Speaker: Wesley Siebert, Financial Advisor Continuum Financial
Wesley’s business model is unique as he spends about fifty percent of his time with Small Business Owners (Small Business Financial Planning) and the other half with individuals and families who typically are 10-15 years away from retirement. His process driven approach allows him to assist his clients in identifying and implementing comprehensive financial strategies. Additionally, Wesley spends a lot of time working with Young Professionals in the arena of Disability Income (DI) Insurance and was chosen to attend the first ever DI Conference in Chicago, Illinois.